Links for June 14th

Why Horst W.J. Rittel Matters - Tags: Design; Politics; Essay;  Sometimes, The Better You Program, The Worse You Communicate. - Tags: BlogPost; Communication; Development; Management;  microsyntax / FrontPage - Like microformats, except for pla… more »

Create a Yahoo! SearchMonkey application

My latest article on developerWorks is a tutorial which takes you step by step through creating a SearchMonkey application. Although it makes use of a lot of Semantic Web technologies, SearchMonkey doesn't require a deep understanding of them in order t… more »


I was reading an article on text visualisation and came across this site. Very cool B) I've not completed a real blog post in a while - there are plenty sitting both in draft status and in my head, I'm sure I'll get to them eventually. more »

Google Adds Better SWF Indexing Support

This week Google announced improvements to it's indexing of Flash files. It seems Adobe did most of the work with the actual Flash files for them, and it all sounds quite clever:We've developed an algorithm that explores Flash files in the same way that… more »

Use the new microformats API in your Firefox 3.0 Extensions

I've had another article published on developerWorks, a short one this time, which looks at utilizing the new Microformats API in the upcoming Firefox 3.0 from within an extension. With it being a purposely short article I had to gloss over some of the… more »

Implement Semantic Web standards in your Web site

I've had another article published on developerWorks, this time a tutorial so you'll have to register to view it. It moves on from my previous article with some actual code examples of a lot of the stuff I talked about before. Check it out and let me k… more »

Forum: Exploring Semantic Web Technologies

I'm now moderating a forum on IBM developerWorks:A forum, moderated by Rob Crowther, to discuss building web pages and sites that are a part of the Semantic Web. We'll cover the main front-end technologies such as RDF, RDFa, Microformats, GRDDL and OWL.… more »

Yahoo! Search to support Microformats

This might be big news for the Semantic Web, or it might not mean much at all. In one way, this doesn't change very much - Yahoo! is very much niche as far as search engines are concerned (in the UK at least), MSN/Live has overtaken them in terms of ref… more »

Planning a Semantic Web site

I've been published by someone other than myself! Read my introductory article on applying Semantic Web technologies to your website on IBM's Developerworks site. Although it's mostly my own words, I had a lot of help from the guys at Backstop Media, w… more »

Google Gears on Mobile Devices

Web as ubiquitous computing platform got a boost today as Google announced a version of Gears for Windows Mobile 5 and 6 devices. Google Gears is a browser extension which lets web applications work offline, which is a crucial requirement if you're plan… more »

GMail now available via IMAP

Following up on the increased storage (now over 4Gb) and the improved support for mobile phones, this week Google rolled out IMAP support for Gmail. I access all my other mail accounts through IMAP, so I don't need to be convinced of the benefits - most… more »