Links for September 12th
PHYLO: THE TRADING CARD GAME - Studies have shown that 8 year old children struggle to recognise 50% of animal species, but can recognise 80% of Pokemon species. This game aims to fit real biology into the game mechanics of Pokemon.
- - Although the project has succeeded in making a load of data available in electronic format a lot of that data contains various budget codes, cost centre codes, and other quirky terminology that doesn't make sense to people outside the department that created it. This project aims to provide tools to make it easy for the people to understand the data to let the people who want to use the data know what it all means.
crowbot's trials at master - GitHub - A project to analyse publically available data about clinical trials in an effort to capture information about those that have not been published.
The P2PU School of Webcraft - Collaborative higher education in web technology.
mezzoblue's PaintbrushJS at master - GitHub - Apply effects such as Gaussian Blur, Sepia and Posterize to images on the fly in the browser.
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