Categories: "Tech & Web"

HTML5 in Action is the Manning Deal of the Day!

Half off my book HTML5 in Action. Use code dotd0409au at If you want to ask questions about the book, or anything to do with HTML5, Java Ranch have a companion promotion this week. more »

Links for June 2011

Clip your hidden content for better accessibility | Yahoo! Accessibility Library - How you hide your extra content for screen readers can make a big difference to accessibility, this post gives a run down of all the techniques and examines clipping in… more »

Links for May 2011

Font sizing with rem - - The rem unit offers an excellent alternative to relative font sizing with em an percentage units.Tags: BlogPost; CSS; Web; Design; Tips;  Javascript Mistakes You Must Avoid - Good list of JavaScript gotchas, the event… more »

Links for April 2011

Maqetta - "Maqetta is an open source project that provides WYSIWYG visual authoring of HTML5 user interfaces. The Maqetta application itself is authored in HTML, and therefore runs in the browser without requiring additional plugins or downloads."Tags:… more »

Links for March 2011

David Baron's weblog: What does a blur radius mean? - You may have been hearing for several years that all browsers support box-shadow and we should just drop the vendor prefixes already. If you've been wondering why they haven't, this post indicates… more »

Links for February 2011

jQuery: » jQuery 1.5 Released - JQuery 1.5 boasts significant performance improvements and an all new wrapper for AJAX requests.Tags: BlogPost; jQuery; News;  Bibliographic Data Licensing Sample Files - Sample RDF data from the British Library.Tags… more »

Links for January 2nd

HTML Lint - Your code may validate, but in the HTML5 world that doesn't mean as much as it used to. This tool lets you check HTML5 to similar levels of conformance as XHTML validation.Tags: HTML5; Tools;  London's Abandoned Tube Stations - Fascina… more »

Links for December 5th

A List Apart: Articles: ARIA and Progressive Enhancement - ARIA can potentially offer great accessibility benefits in rich internet applications, but support is inconsistent and patchy - can ARIA be implemented in a way compatible with progressive enhanc… more »

Links for November 21st

A List Apart: Articles: CSS Positioning 101 - An excellent introduction to the often misunderstood position property.Tags: BlogPost; CSS; Layout; Tutorial;  Styling Form Controls – WebKit - The new HTML5 meter and progress elements can be styled thr… more »

Links for November 7th

CSS Vocabulary | Nimbupani Designs - Handy guide to CSS terminology.Tags: BlogPost; CSS; Reference;  Things Worth Noting About CSS Attribute Selectors - A good introduction to the various possibilities available to you with attribute selectors.Tags:… more »

Links for October 24th

video + canvas = magic | HTML5 Doctor - Combine the video element with the canvas element for fun and profit.Tags: BlogPost; HTML5; Javascript; Media;  Web Teacher › ARIA States 101 - A look at ARIA roles for describing widget state.Tags: Web; Acces… more »