Revision [17]
This is an old revision of FormattingRules made by WikkaInstaller on 2005-01-22 00:22:52.
The Wiki Formatting Guide
Anything between 2 sets of double-quotes is ignored and presented exactly as typed (that means the formatting commands below are ignored whenever surrounded by double double-quotes.)
Once you've read through this, test your formatting skills in the SandBox.
Basic formatting:
**I'm bold text!**
I'm bold text!
I'm bold text!
//I'm italic text!//
I'm italic text!
I'm italic text!
And I'm __underlined__!
And I'm underlined!
And I'm underlined!
##monospace text##
monospace text
monospace text
''highlight text'' (using 2 single-quotes)
highlight text
highlight text
++Strike through text++
Strike through text
Strike through text
Press #%ANY KEY#%
@@Center text@@
Center text
====== Really big header ======
===== Rather big header =====
==== Medium header ====
=== Not-so-big header ===
== Smallish header ==
Really big header
===== Rather big header =====
Rather big header
==== Medium header ====
Medium header
=== Not-so-big header ===
Not-so-big header
== Smallish header ==
Smallish header
Horizontal separator:
Forced line break:
Lists / Indents:
Indent text using 4 spaces (which will auto-convert into tabs) or using "~". To make bulleted / ordered lists, use the following codes (you can use 4 spaces instead of "~"):~- bulleted list:
- bulleted list
- Line two
~1) numbered list:
- numbered list
- Line two
~A) Using uppercase characters:
- Using uppercase characters
- Line two
~a) Using lowercase characters:
- Using lowercase characters
- Line two
~I) using uppercase roman numerals:
- using Latin numbers
- Line two
~i) using lowercase roman numerals:
- using Latin numbers
- Line two
Wiki Extensions:
To place images on a Wiki page, use:
{{image class="center" alt="DVD logo" title="An Image Link" url="images/dvdvideo.gif" link="RecentChanges"}}

Links can be external, or internal Wiki links. You don't have to enter a link at all, and in that case just an image will be inserted. You can also use the classes 'left' and 'right' to float images left and right. You don't need to use all those attributes, only url is essential.
To create a table use this code:
{{table columns="3" cellpadding="1" cells="BIG;GREEN;FROGS;yes;yes;no;no;no;###"}} to give:
yes | yes | no |
no | no |
### means the cell is empty.
Coloured Text:
{{colour c="blue" text="This is a test."}} gives:
This is a test.
If you want to use hex values:
{{colour hex="#DD0000" text="This is another test."}} to give:
This is another test.
Left floated box - use two < signs before and after the block
Some text in a floated box hanging around
Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler.
Right floated box, use two > characters before and after the block
Some text in a floated box hanging around
Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler.
Use ::c:: to clear floated blocks...
Code Formatters:
int main(int arc,char **argv) { printf("Hello, %s! ", (argc>1) ? argv[1] : "World"); return 0; }
%%(ini) INI file contents%%:
; Menu specification file for Opera 7.0
File Version=2
[Info] #background info
Name=Munin++ Menu
Description=Munin++ Menu
Author=NonTroppo (originally by Rijk van Geijtenbeek)
File Version=2
[Info] #background info
Name=Munin++ Menu
Description=Munin++ Menu
Author=NonTroppo (originally by Rijk van Geijtenbeek)
%%(php) PHP code%%:
%%(email) Email message%%:
Hi! >>>> My Llama loves foot massage. >>> You really think so? >> Yes, I know he does. >Are you sure? Of course, yes! Mr. Scruff
Forced links:
Inter Wiki Links:
See the InterWiki page for a full list of available engines. Here are some examples:
Question: How do you un-WikiName a word ?Answer: Add two pair of double-quotes around the word: WikiName
Question: How do you get a pair of double-quotes (without any text between them) to display properly ?
Answer: Use the entity literal " - ""
Question: How does Wakka Wiki know to what URL to send a visitor to if it wasn't specified ?
Answer: The link is to a forced WikiPage. That means a link to a page in this wiki is generated.
Question: So why does [[LALA_LELE]] send me to http://LALA_LELE ?
Answer: The underscore breaks things. [[LALALELE]] doesn't have this problem.
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